AAA Study Cautions Drivers About Hands-Free Voice Command Technology

Many cars are now equipped with hands-free calling technology, but a new study found that the features might not be as effective in reducing distraction while driving as motorists may think.

Newer models of cars now offer features that allow drivers to make phone calls and even compose text messages or emails while on the road. But the voice command features may actually increase mental distraction, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

AAA's study had the following findings:

  • The accuracy of voice recognition software significantly influences the rate of distraction.
  • Systems with low accuracy and reliability generated a high level of distraction.
  • Composing text messages and emails using in-vehicle technologies was more distracting than using these systems to listen to messages.
  • The quality of the systems' voice, however, had no impact on distraction levels.

AAA finds that distracted driving consistently ranks as one of the traffic safety issues at the forefront of drivers' minds and is urging manufacturers to focus on ways to reduce cognitive distraction.

However, some automakers are pushing back and the Auto Alliance is concerned that a similar study done last year suggests hand-held and hands-free devices are equally risky. Many other studies are underway and road safety will be enhanced through the complete body of research, according to the Auto Alliance.

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