International Space Station

Ashford Students Talk With ISS Astronauts

A group of Ashford students had the rare chance to make contact with astronauts in space with help from a radio.

Students were encouraged to ask questions, and received answers from astronauts aboard the International Space Station Monday.

“What is the strangest thing you have ever seen in space?”

“I think the strangest thing has probably been the aurora.”

A dozen students participated in the event, which was made possible by Amateur Radio International Space Station, or ARISS. The hope is to inspire students to explore science, technology, engineering and math.

“When the first transmission went through and it was all static I was like yay…but then it actually came through and you're talking to that person it was really cool,” said student Abby Robinson.

Eighth-grader Anna Dietz said the astronauts gave her a new perspective.

“What does it feel like emotionally to be in space and to see the world from such a unique perspective?” students asked.

“It makes you pause but you also realize that we live very close together. The world is also a very small place sometimes,” the astronauts answered.

“I really liked how she said it makes the world feel big and small…because I'm always thinking about like we're just on this planet spinning around,” Dietz said.

Students also learned about life on board the ISS, all while the ISS passed overhead.

“What is the hardest thing about having zero gravity?”

“The hardest thing is you can't turn your back for a second when you let something go. I've lost about three forks, four spoons."

It was a rare opportunity few schools experience.

“I don't know the exact number but there was maybe 10 to 20 schools that get to do this this year...and that's globally,” explained science teacher Carly Imhoff.

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