Goat Continues to Evade Police

In spite of countless hours of searching by Massachusetts law enforcement, a goat that has been on the lam since the day after Christmas refuses to give up his quest for freedom.

According to Massachusetts State Police, the goat was spotted in Chelmsford on Saturday.

Police say he has been grazing in the area around I-495 in the weeks following his escape.

The animal's evasiveness has even inspired a Twitter handle, which had 1,184 followers as of Monday evening.

A few days into the search, Lowell Police warned the public not to approach the 200-pound animal, which has full horns, as it may be dangerous in such a stressful situation.

@TheLowellGoat concurs.

"If you spot me, tweet me and please call Lowell PD @ 978-937-3200," reads the Twitter bio. "Do not approach me, I'm pretty agile and crazy!"

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