Yale Athletic Department Holds Huge Sale

The lines at Ingalls Rink at Yale are long for a huge sale on athletic apparel and equipment.

The Yale Athletic Department is cutting prices on 15 years of Nike items, including new items and game-worn jerseys from almost every team, in preparation for a partnership with Under Armour.

“We knew it was going to be busy, but  I didn’t honestly expect it to be as busy as it is,” Jeff Torre, of Yale’s athletics Department, said. 

The partnership with Under Armour starts on July 1 and Yale said all the old items must go. They are selling polos, equipment, shoes, cleats, gloves, bags, sweats, outerwear and more.

One of  the hot-ticket items is brand new wide receiver gloves. If you go to a sporting goods store, you'll spend  $55. Yale is selling them for $1, Torre said.

Game-worn hockey jerseys all went in the first hour. 

The yard sale is at Ingalls Rink, at 73 Sachem St. in New Haven until 6 p.m. and it is open to the public.

Staff from the athletic department said proceeds from the yard sale will help keep ticket prices down for fans and will also support Yale’s community outreach programs, including youth athletic clinics. 

For more information, call 203-432-1400 or email athletic.tickets@yale.edu.

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