Tiger Mom's Hubby Comes to Her Defense

Amy Chua's husband surprised by response to wife's book

The husband of the controversial "Tiger Mom," and Yale law professor, Amy Chua, appeared with her at an author event in New Canaan on Sunday, reports The Stamford Advocate.

Turns out - Jed Rubenfeld is an author, too. Though, his book hasn't gotten nearly as much attention.

In "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," Chua describes the strict parenting methods she used with her two daughters. No TV, no pets, no computer games, no grades under A, no parts in school plays, no choice of extra-curricular activities, no musical instruments except piano or violin.

"I saw the book as a self-parody," Chua said, according to The Advocate. "If I'd known this book was going to generate this much controversy I could have made myself more likable."

Rubenfeld said he was surprised by the criticism, then went through a list of statistics about teen pregnancy, teen depression and low test scores, the paper reported.

"These are not problems caused by too much structure," Rubenfeld said, reports The Advocate. "These are problems of too little structure."

Rubenfeld is also a professor at Yale. He and Chua live in New Haven with their daughters, Sophia and Lulu.

His book, a thriller, is called "The Death Instinct."

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