Cow Slaughter in Public Prompts Closure of Bloomfield Meat Store

The situation started when a cow got loose from the Saba meat store in Bloomfield.

WARNING: Some may find the video in this story disturbing.

A young cow was slaughtered in a Home Depot parking lot in public view, and NBC Connecticut Investigates has learned the business that owned the livestock is closed, and in hot water with multiple local, state and federal agencies.

This involved the Saba meat store in Bloomfield, which had multiple live animals on its premises, and advertises it prepares its products observing all Islamic laws.

Police dashcam obtained exclusively by NBC Connecticut Investigates tells the story.

Officers said Saturday a young cow at the Saba meat store got loose and ran across the street to Home Depot, followed by Saba employee Badr Musaed and Andy Morrison, a contractor doing renovation work there armed with a bow and arrow.

The officer observed the wild pursuit of the cow, even trying to help box it in with his police cruiser.

Then the police report said, “…as the cow ran towards the employees Morrison shot at the cow however he missed and the arrow struck the wall of the Home Depot.”

You could actually see someone shoot the bow and arrow from a distance on the video.

Moments later, in the back of the Home Depot, Musaed was observed pulling out a foot long knife, and then police said, “Three of the employees grabbed onto the cow…one employee… pulled out a knife and proceeded to cut the cow’s throat.”

It prompted a police officer to raise his arms in disbelief. He then had this exchange with one of the store employees who tackled the cow:

“Officer: you know this is a big, this is a problem. This is not something that can be done.”

Saba employee: “We try to do our best, you know.”

Officer: “Okay, but you guys get, like, you get a leash, you got something, like, like this kid here just watched you slit a cow’s throat.”

Saba employee: “They come in our store all the time.”

Officer: “Okay, but we’re not in your store right now, you’re in the back of Home Depot.”

Bloomfield police gave Musaed a ticket for creating a public disturbance, noting in the incident report that Musaed and his coworkers appeared unremorseful.

The owner of Saba may not be smiling.

The incident prompted multiple local, state, and federal agencies to investigate, prompting them to close the business for various violations.

No one inside Saba came to the door when NBC Connecticut Investigates asked for comment.

As for Morrison, police told him if there were more people around the area where he tried to shoot the cow, he would have been charged also.

Neither he nor Musaed responded to calls for comment.

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