SpringBoard- Head over to Hartford Stage tonight for a little networking party and a play. For $40, you'll enjoy a cocktail reception (open beer and wine bar, anybody?) along with some hearty appetizers. Hand out a few business cards, score a few dates, then check out the performance of "To Kill A Mockingbird".
Author Series- Meet some Maritime authors at the Mystic Seaport Museum tonight. You'll hear the inside story of where their inspiration came from while enjoying some wine and cheese. The lucky raffle winnter takes home a free copy of J. Revell Car's latest novel. He's the former president and director at Mystic.
The Show- You'll feel smarter after checking out "Pericles" at the Nafe Katter Theatre in Storrs tonight. It's a Shakespeare play that raises questions about why suffering and misfortune hits our lives. Don't worry... it's not all tragic. There's a big feel good message of courage and redemption at the end. Oops - did I just blow it?