Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Opens Today at Wesleyan University in Middletown

NBC Universal, Inc.

Community Health Center is opening a drive-through mass COVID-19 vaccine clinic in a parking lot at Wesleyan University in Middletown.

Community Health Center will be administering the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in parking lot V of Wesleyan at 75 Vine St.

The vaccinations are by appointment only to eligible people and they are scheduled through Connecticut’s 211 system or VAMS, the CDC’s Vaccine Administration Management System.

People who are eligible include workers in the Phase 1A category and people who are 75 and older in the Phase 1B category.

The clinic will be open today from noon to 4 p.m.

Beginning Friday, it will be open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only.

How to Sign Up for a COVID-19 Vaccine in Connecticut

VAMS, CDC Vaccine Administration Management System

Schedule through VAMS here.


Call CT's Appointment Assist Line

You can call Connecticut’s Vaccine Appointment Assist Line at 877-918-2224.

The Vaccine Appointment Assist Line is available seven days a week, 
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, but hold times could vary based on high volume.

Who Is Eligible for a COVID-19 Vaccine in CT

Note: You must either live or work in Connecticut to receive a vaccination here. If you typically visit a provider in the state, but do not live or work in Connecticut, you are not eligible and must get vaccinated in your home state.

Phase 1a

  • Healthcare Personnel: All paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients of infectious materials. Healthcare personnel should contact their Employer Coordinator, who has been designated to ensure access to the vaccine. Vaccine administration for healthcare workers will be available at hospitals, outpatient clinics, and local health departments.
  • Long-Term Care Facility Residents: Adults who reside in facilities that provide a range of services, including medical and personal care, to persons who are unable to live independently. Residents of long-term care facilities should ask facility leadership about reviewing vaccine. All vaccine clinics in long-term care facilities will be administered by CVS and Walgreens. 
  • Medical First Responders: High risk of exposure to COVID-19 through their response to medical emergencies such as Emergency Medical Technicians, Police, and Fire.

Phase 1b

  • Individuals 75 and older
  • Residents and staff of select congregate settings: Congregate settings will be phased in throughout Phase 1b. Congregate settings include individuals and staff in halfway homes, inpatient mental health facilities, corrections facilities, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, substance use and residential treatment facilities along with others. Vaccination programs for congregate settings will be coordinated by State and local health. These facilities are either licensed by or otherwise formally affiliated with the State of Connecticut and are administered by a private non-profit or other formal entity. In Phase 1b, congregate settings do not include supported apartments, foster or family settings, college dormitories, or boarding schools
East Connecticut Health Network officials say they have had to pause vaccine appointments because of a lack of supply.

Who Is Next?

Remaining Phase 1b

  • Scheduling next (likely February):
    • Individuals between the ages of 65 and 74
  • Scheduling information coming soon (likely March):
    • Frontline essential workers (this final definition is forthcoming, but is likely to include healthcare personnel not included in Phase 1a, first responders, agricultural workers, including farmworkers, food service and restaurants, U.S. Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store & pharmacy workers, public transit workers, food banks and meal delivery services for the elderly, education and child-care workers, solid waste and wastewater workers, inspectors working on site in the above locations, and frontline public and social services.)
    • Individuals with an underlying medical condition with increased risk for severe illness* 

*More information will be available soon for those with severe underlying medical conditions, at this time, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s website  

Find information you need to schedule vaccine appointments for you and your staff if you're an employer - and learn how to schedule your own appointment if you're an independent contractor.

Phase 1c

Updated information will be coming soon!

Future Phases

  • (Summer and Fall, 2021)
    • COVID-19 vaccinations will be available to eligible members of the general public starting this summer. At that time you should expect to have access to the vaccine at the same locations where you would normally get vaccinated:  pharmacies, doctors offices, community health clinics, local health clinics, as well as through other providers.
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