Quinnipiac University

Quinnipiac University Donates Space, Food and Needed PPE

NBC Universal, Inc.

Staff at Quinnipiac University set up a packaging station Monday for a massive donation of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the ongoing fight against the coronavirus.

“We found around 450 masks, surgical and N95 masks that we were able to donate, over 27,000 pairs of gloves, and gowns and shoe covers that we were able to supply as well as hand sanitizer,” said Janelle Chiasera, Dean of Health Sciences at Quinnipiac University.

The university’s nursing, health sciences and medical schools pooled their resources after students quickly left campus following spring break, leaving behind unused medical equipment.

“So a lot of the materials that we have, we have for the labs for our students. Seeing that a lot of our learning has gone online, we had some surplus,” said Chiasera.  

Also left behind: food. The university spent the last week cleaning out freezers in dorms and the cafeteria, collecting frozen meals, meats, seafoods and more. It is all going to local food pantries and food banks.

And now that they’re gone, those dorm rooms will be used too. Hamden has asked the university to set up emergency housing at campus apartments.

“Those are reserved right now for our first responders who may have been exposed to COVID-19 and need to self-isolate,” said Chiasera.

Those 50 apartments will be available at Whitney Village Housing. The units are independent with one bedroom and one entrance. Chiasera says it would help reduce the spread if a first responder needed a place to stay.

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