Another Suspected Bed Bug Reported at High School in Waterbury

Another suspected bed bug was reported at Waterbury Career Academy High School Tuesday, the third recent report of a suspected bed bug at the school.

The superintendent’s office released a statement Tuesday that said a suspected incident of a bed bug was reported at Career High School and the school and staff “immediately addressed the issue and collaborated with the City Health Department and the School Facilities Division consistent with established protocol.”

A school spokesperson said there was no evidence this was connected to the previous incidents on May 9 and last month.

"Remediation efforts have been undertaken per protocol and there is no risk to health or safety to students or staff," Chief Operating Officer William Clark wrote in an email.

They inspected and cleaned the areas that could be impacted and there will be follow-up inspections, as well as any remediation necessary, according to the superintendent’s office.

"Virtually all instances of beg bugs in a school environment are the result of the insect being carried in from the outside in isolated circumstances. The Waterbury Board of Education and the City Health Department consider the health and safety of students and our school community as a top priority. We will continue to work collaboratively and proactively to maintain the schools as insect free and to support the remediation of issues outside of the school environment," the statement read.

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