Burglary, Rape Connection?

Police: The Person Who Tried to Break Into a Home Could Be Serial Rapist

Police in Manchester believe there may be a connection between an attempted burglary earlier this week and a serial rapist.

Investigators are asking for the public's help in identifying anyone who might have suffered a fresh cut over the last few days because the burglar is believed to have cut himself while trying to break in to an occupied home on Helaine Road sometime between 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 

The attempted burglary was in the same neighborhood as two rapes in recent years that have been linked by DNA evidence.

The same man is also responsible for a rape in Manchester in 2001 and another in Vernon just this past January.

Also, overnight burglaries are extremely rare, say police. They typically happen during the day when homeowners are at work.

Investigators are asking that anyone who notices someone with a fresh injury, possibly on the left hand or arm, notify police.

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