First the Floods, Now the Insurance Claims

As if dealing was flooding wasn’t enough, residents have something else to be concerned about -- flood insurance.

Not all policies are the same and it is the homeowner’s responsibility to know the difference, according to insurance agents.

On Tuesday, nearly six feet of river water came rushing in and Rhonda and Matthew Santos tries to salvage as much as possible.

“I built the house myself. All this work I did in the last seven years (is) about to go down the drain,” Matthew Santos, of Norwichtown, said. “The foundation collapsed and the water was just pouring in and pouring in.”

They live in a flood zone and have flood insurance.

Rhonda said the flood insurance should cover all the damage.

Jennifer Lamphere, of State Farm Insurance, said the average flood insurance policy costs $400 per year, according to FEMA requirements.

“You should review your policies every year, always reviewing your coverages,” she said.

Santos said she would contact her insurance provider to make sure the couple is completely covered. This is something all homeowners should do on a regular basis, insurance agents said.

You can learn more about the National Flood Insurance Program on the FEMA Web site.

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