One Month Later: Where are the Donations Going?

Boxes continue to fill the rooms inside an old warehouse in Newtown.

"Everyday, UPS, FedEx and the parcel show up with something," Chris Kelsey, Newtown's tax assessor, said.

Teddy bears, board games and books keep coming. One month later there's a plan to figure out where most of these items will go. The families of the victims get the first say.

"If the families want to donate something in their child's name let's say to Yale New Haven Hospital those wishes are fullfilled before we send anything else," Kelsey said.

The families wishes will be honored first. That process is going on right now. Then the rest of the items will be donated to the organizations that need them.

"Charities and impoverished areas are going to benefit from everything that's here," Kelsey said.

Checks continue to come in as well.

To date more than $7.5 million has been raised through the Sandy Hook School Support Fund set up by the United Way of Western Connecticut. That money will soon be handed over.

"This was not our money," Kim Morgan of the United Way, said. "It was really the money of the Sandy Hook residents."

A charitable foundation is being set up to help distribute all of the money. Will Rodgers, a Newtown Selectman, is in charge of the transition.

"The foundation will be in charge of distribution decisions," Rodgers said.

The money could go to the families, first responders or the community.

The United Way is also making sure families who need the support immediately, get it. They've been raising money completely separate of the fund.

"If there are needs out there that people come forward and let us know what they are, we can find the best resources for them," Morgan said.


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