His Random Acts of Kindness Make Season Brighter

Dan Whitman is not a wealthy man, but he has the heart of a real life Santa and is enriching the holidays for random strangers.

A Naugatuck man’s random acts in kindness come in little white envelopes filled with however much he can afford, $5, $10 or $20 bills stuffed inside.  

He walks the streets of Naugatuck, handing them out, all because it makes him feel good.

"I know how fragile life is and how it can be turned upside down in an instant," Whitman said.

Whitman's life has been far from perfect. He was injured in a motorcycle crash and has been disabled since he was 21. He shares a home with his mom.

"I grew up without. I grew up poor. I know what it’s like to need," Whitman said. “By giving, I receive. It's a philosophy I like to live by. It makes me feel good. It brings joy to my life and it alleviates my aches and pains with my disabilities,” he said.

Whitman’s gift-giving strategy is not without its snags. Some people have actually mistaken his Christmas gift for Christmas junk

"I have occasionally looked back and seen them throw it into the garbage," he said.
So this year, he's stamping his Christmas cards with a red note that hints at what's inside.

"Random act of kindness enclosed."

He says he would love to do more.

"I wish I had the resources to do more. If I was ever to win the lottery I'd be broke in no time," he said.

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