Thousands of people reached out to NBC Connecticut with sticker shock over the cost of their Eversource bills amid the coronavirus crisis.
As the authority that regulates utilities in the state looks into the surge, many Connecticut residents shared the impact this will have on them and their families.
“It’s the summer. It’s 90 degrees out. We have central air and I can’t even run it because I’m afraid the electric bill will go through the roof,” said Ron Chzanowzki of Putnam.
“I’m a senior citizen on social security on a budget. My wife’s almost 60, we can’t afford these high electric bills anymore.”
Pamela Skorupski said the rate increase is ridiculous even if we weren’t in a pandemic.
“When I looked at $768 that’s almost a mortgage and I only have a three-bedroom ranch.”
This week, Eversource says it’s the fault of a couple of issues, including a scorching summer.
Plus, people working from home in the pandemic and fees passed along from a state-approved power purchase agreement.
Eversource says the fee went up mostly because of payments associated with a state-approved power purchase agreement.
The state regulatory agency is now launching an investigation.
The governor gave his take on the matter Thursday.
“We are going to do everything we can to help you have the room to make the payments necessary to do, provide the energy efficiency that you need so that we can hold down those electric bills going forward. All at the same time taking a look at that Eversource rate increase.”
“I’ve actually been analyzing the bills. I’ve been analyzing the bills from last year and this year,” said India Liddell of West Hartford.
Her family’s bill more than doubled in a months’ time and she says the timing is adding insult to injury.
“I’m still working, my husband is still working. We are fortunate in that regard. So many people have lost their jobs, so many people are really struggling right now.”
Linda Murolo of Southbury shares that feeling.
“This is going to take away from their grocery bill.”
She spent the morning calling Eversource and the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.
“I was on hold, I was on hold and I don’t have time for this I have to take care of my husband.”
Murolo’s husband had a stroke this summer.
Couple that with the coronavirus crisis and this crazy thing called life, she wants answers before signs the check to power the home she’s lived in for 42 years now.