When the snow started falling late on Saturday, the Clippinger’s were not terribly concerned.
Jessica Clippinger’s due date was more than a week away, on Dec. 31, the Norwich Bulletin reports, but baby Peter Ronald Clippinger had other plans.
Around 5 a.m. on Sunday, Jessica woke with contractions but figured she had hours before the baby arrived, like she did with her other two children, the newspaper reports.
That was not entirely the case. By 8 a.m., the baby was on his way. So Jessica’s husband, David, called state police and their neighbor in Franklin, Gary Trombley.
Snow had covered Connecticut overnight and the steep driveway had not yet been cleared, the Hour reports. But that did not stop them. Jessica made her way to the neighbor’s car in her bathrobe and her neighbors boots and made her way through the waist-high snow, with help of course, the newspaper reports.
Police sent a plow to help clear the way so the mom-to-be could get down the hill, the newspaper reports.
But, even with some help clearing the way, Jessica’s water broke as they were still on the way to the hospital.
They pulled over and rescue workers came to the couple’s aide, in time for Peter Ronald Clippinger to be born in Trombley’s Chevy Suburban, on Route 87, with snow blowing into the car.