
Boy From Somers Made it to Quarter Finals at National Spelling Bee

Nathan Settevendemie, of Somers

An 11-year-old from Somers competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee and made it to the quarterfinals.

Nathan Settevendemie is a sixth grader at Mabelle B. Avery Middle School and he was representing Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society.

He tied for 57th place and hopes to make it back next year.

“I was excited to get to quarterfinals because to get there, you had to spell three words correctly. I was happy about that,” Nathan said.

Nathan embraced his experience at the spelling bee and said he’s been meeting new friends while he's there.

On Tuesday, he correctly spelled avgolemono.

That’s a soup or sauce made with chicken stock, egg yolks and lemon juice.

Get more on his progress here.

This was Nathan’s first year as a speller at the national event, but not his first trip to the National Spelling Bee. His sister competed last year.

He said this experience is teaching him what he needs to improve on in coming years.

His advice for other spellers is to stay positive.  

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