Laundry Blowing in Wind Divides New England

Greenwich is banning residents from hanging their clothes to dry at a public housing complex.

Greenwich officials don’t want to see residents’ unmentionable and they are getting a lashing over banning people from airing laundry – even when it’s clean. 

The town’s housing authority has approved a ban on clotheslines at the public housing complexes, so no one can hang out to dry towels, sheets, shirts or anything else.
Housing Authority Commissioner Bernadette Settelmeyer insists the ban is needed because clotheslines are difficult to see when nothing is hanging from them, which can lead to accidents the town might be liable for.
This decision to ban the clothesline has brought out protesters from across New England, including the New Hampshire environmental lobbying organization, Project Laundry List, which wants the ban repealed. They claim hanging clothes out to dry saves money and energy.
The battle over dryers versus clotheslines is even getting the attention from politicians. Greenwich’s First Selectman, Peter Tesei is siding with residents, and told Greenwich Time that residents should have the ability to dry their clothes outside.
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