Dozens of World War II veterans from Connecticut made a glorious trip on Saturday to Washington to visit the World War II Memorial for the weekend. They were part of the so-called Honor Flight - a journey that takes veterans to a place built in their honor for their sacrifice.
They started to arrive at 7:00 a.m. Saturday at Bradley International Airport, stepping off the bus and joining a group of their brothers in battle.
Six decades later, 161 veterans of World War II flew to our nation's capitol.
"It's just going to be great to see where they're buried. To be with them," explained Donald Christian. "It's hard for me to express that," he added.
These are the me who made history in battles that changed our country - they changed the world. They know sacrifice and suffering that few generations after them ever will.
Billy Campbell was a tail gunner on a B-24. He said he was thrilled to be on the trip Saturday. He was hit with "flack" over Germany.
Standing on the tarmac at Bradley before the trip, Maurice DuFrane recalled, "I was down through the Battle of the Bulge, the Rhine river, St. Lowell. I froze my feed down there." He added, "I was in the hospital for 10 months."
The group was scheduled to visit the WWII Memorial and several other Washington landmarks before returning to Connecticut Saturday night.
Some of the veterans said they would look for names of friends on the Memorial's wall. Others were just looking forward to being among their fellow soldiers. They said they are hopeful future generations won't forget what was won and what it cost.
"I'd say read more on the history of this country and protect it," said Christian.
"It was worth every minute of it. I would go back again if I had to," added DuFrane.