What to Know
- The Spotted Lanternfly likely arrived in North America hidden on goods imported from Asia.
- It was previously found in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia and Delaware. Single flies were found in New York, Massachusetts and Maryland.
- Many fruit trees grown in Connecticut, such as apples, cherries, and peaches, could be vulnerable if there was an infestation..
A spotted lanternfly, a species that is causing nightmares in parts of Pennsylvania, has been found in Connecticut. A single living adult spotted lanternfly was found in Southbury, according to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
About the Spotted Lanternfly
The invasive sap-feeding bugs, called Lycorma delicatula. are native to China, India and Vietnam, but were discovered in Berks County, Pennsylvania in 2014.
The video from below if from NBC Philadelphia.
No other spotted lanternflies were found during a survey of the immediate area, but a live insect strongly suggests others might be present within easy transport from somewhere in the region,” a news release from CAES says.
They have planned additional surveys in the area.
Threat Spotted Lanternflies Pose
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station warns that the spotted lanternfly has the potential to severely impact Connecticut’s farm crops, particularly apples, grapes, hops and a number of tree species, including maple.
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station says that early detection is important to protect local businesses and agriculture.
Report Sightings of Spotted Lanternflies
They are urging anyone to report potential sightings to ReportSLF@ct.gov and to submit a photo if possible.