Two days after Egyptian police killed hundreds of pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters, a small group organized by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), stood in Hartford's State House Square waving Egyptian flags.
"People killed this way - with heavy weapons, just people protesting peacefully, and get killed and burned and squished with bulldozers, killed from planes, this is not fair," said protestor Fatma Salman.
She said friends of hers in Egypt lost chlidren in the massacre. A physics professor at Manchester Community College, Salman said she's lived here for 14 years.
CAIR wants the U.S. to cut the billion-dollars-per-year Egypt has taken since the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty of 1979.
"What we're asking for is to cut off aid that's helping these criminals to kill their own people," said Mongi Dahouadi of CAIR.
He admitted the deposed government had overreached and its supporters had overreacted by burning Christian churches in Egypt after the massacre.