Electric Boat took some time to recognize their employees who have served just days before Veterans Day.
As a flag waived high above Electric Boat’s Shipyard, employees stood with their hand over their hearts or in salute, honoring the sacrifice of the brave men and women who served the country.
That included Retired U.S. Army Major James Flyntz. He spent 28 years with the Army, deploying to Japan, South Korea and Kuwait.
The majority of that time, he also worked at Electric Boat.
"During any active duty stints they’ve supported me throughout with healthcare and making up the difference in pay," Flyntz said.
His son, Dylan, works by his side, helping to create fast-attack submarines for the Navy, while currently serving the Army.
"Quite the job to do both and have the ability to serve overseas, if need be, and also to defend the country using submarine deterrents," Lt. Dylan Flyntz said.
The Flyntzes are just two of the roughly 15 percent of Electic Boat staff who served the military. The company honored its veterans with a ceremony during every shift today.
"A lot of veterans after they get out of the service and take the uniform off and you put a new camouflage on and try to blend into the community. I think a lot of times it’s great to get that ‘Thank you for your service'," Anthony Paolino, who leads the Military and Veterans Affairs at Electric Boat, said.
EB has hosted Veterans Day observance ceremonies since 1999.