New Haven

First Time Teachers Prepare for New Experience During Pandemic

NBC Universal, Inc.

New Haven Public Schools is set to begin a new school year on Thursday and for the first 10 weeks, teachers and students will be working virtually.

Teachers were given professional development days to prepare for the upcoming school year. First-year teachers were given a few extra days to prepare for their first year.

"There is a realization that this is all new and it is all different," said Dave Cicarella, president with New Haven's Federation of Teachers. "The expectations are pretty clear and we've done a pretty good job of outlining the district level."

First-year teachers are utilizing the resources provided by the district and their schools while counting on veteran teachers to help with the first year.

"The district has a platform called linked-spring that is sort of the home-base for professional development for teachers," said Benjamin Scudder, a first-year teacher at High School in the Community. "Social studies teachers in New Haven have had professional days together, where it's all the teachers together."

Cassie Sgro is a fellow first-year teacher at High School in the Community and is all set to begin her second career on Thursday.

"I'm very excited, it's definitely uncharted territory," said Sgro. "I wasn't expecting anything like this especially at the high school level."

Sgro found out she got the position last Tuesday and by Thursday, she was starting her training and developing her lesson plan.

"It'll be a lot of fun to get to know them and see what their interest are for the new year," said Sgro. "I'm excited to really tailor all three classes to what the students want to do."

Teachers will have the option to teach virtually inside their classrooms or homes. Virtual learning begins on Thursday.

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