It’s a slow go in down town New Haven because of heavy traffic and unsynchronized lights. But drivers could soon be getting the green light, thanks to a new, hi-tech traffic system.
Getting stuck at a light is all too familiar to drivers in The Elm City. The stop and go is enough to drive anyone bonkers.
But there’s a major change coming to the traffic lights that could revolutionize how cars flow.
"If you follow the speed you will follow several intersections at a green light" says Bijan Notghi, an engineer at the New Haven Department of Transportation. He came up with a way to synchronize lights all over downtown.
He says if you drive the speed limit, 25 miles an hour for an extended distance you’ll hit only green lights. It will reduce idling, pollution and long lines at red lights.
The 102 traffic lights are getting synchronized including: Elm, Chapel, State, Whitney, Dixwell, George, Crowne and College Streets.
The new lights have already started to pop up at some intersections, the rest will come in by next summer, Notghi says, "we want to have the people happy and excited to be traveling through the city rather than be stopping at every traffic light."
The project 3 million dollar project will be paid for by a federal government grant.