With professional athletes consistently in the news facing accusations of violence against women, Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) and the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence (The Alliance) are getting set to address domestic and sexual violence prevention.
Kendale Johnson it took one meeting to get him hooked.
“It really starts with how you treat others,” said Johnson. “Your partner in your relationship deserves the same respect that you went from them.”
Coaching Boys Into Men is an innovative, proven model for positively influencing young men and helping prevent domestic and sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Athletic coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young men. Organizers say due to the these relationships, coaches are poised to positively influence how young men think and behave, both on and off the field.
The program comes at a time where several professional athletes face sexual assault or domestication violence accusations.
This week, a woman accused New England Patriot’s wide receiver Antonio Brown of sexual misconduct.
It’s the second woman to accuse Brown in less than a week. Brown has denied the allegations.
Coach Harry Bellucci is the head football coach for Hartford Public High School.
“We’re just extending the classroom out and teaching them what ingredients make up a successful relationship,” he said.
A national project of Futures Without Violence, CBIM is the only evidence-based prevention program that trains and motivates coaches to teach young male athletes healthy relationship skills and that violence never equals strength, ultimately empowering student athletes to be leaders in violence prevention.
The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Connecticut Alliance To End Sexual Violence created the idea for coaches who play a significant role in athletes lives.
Karen Jarmoc is the CEO of CCADV and says it’s important to reach students at an early age.
“If students can hear these really important ideas around integrity and respect on and off the field, than we’re making a difference,” said Jarmoc.