The Guilford School District is apologizing after a student showed up to a football game in blackface.
In a letter to the school community, Guilford Superintendent Paul Freeman said the Guilford High School student arrived at Friday’s game against Hartford Public High School in blackface. The school resource officer told the student to remove the face paint and the student did so before the game began.
The principal and athletic director reached out to the Hartford school to apologize for the incident and the administration is working on ways to address it with students.
“This individual incident is unacceptable, it was addressed immediately, and we will continue to address it from an educational stance moving forward,” Freeman wrote. “This incident does not reflect the students of Guilford as a whole. The students who I have come to know in Guilford are responsible and thoughtful and compassionate young adults who are offended by this incident as much, if not more so, than the adult community.”
It was not clear if the student will face any disciplinary action.