Is $600 enough? It's the question that many people are facing now that the second round of stimulus checks are being rolled out.
Federal lawmakers approved the $600 stimulus after months of back and forth.
"You think about the unemployed, you think about rent needing to be paid, groceries, childcare," said Jessica Nunez, a mother and entrepreneur. "What is $600 going to do, so I think. $2,000 is better."
Those who don't qualify or simply don't need the checks said they feel the pain of those who need help putting food on the table.
"I'm blessed and it may not mean as much to me as to some other people, but when you need food on your table, it's a difference," Calvin Woodward said.
Chloe, of Hartford, is a retired teacher and has a husband who's still able to provide for her family. She said she understands there are some unmet needs for individuals who have to take care of their children.
"I think they should have some more," said Chloe. "They have families and it's a hard job they have to do every day."
The question on the minds of those we spoke with was how do you stretch $600?
"The $600 will not go far and the delays are forcing people to have to make choices," said Brian Marks, a senior lecture of business and economics at the University of New Haven. "I would encourage individuals to reach out to any of their creditors to discuss potential solutions. This new legislation provides a rent moratorium again."
Economic experts also warn the public to stay alert for any potential scams before and after they receive their checks.
"Only deal with those who you know, be vigilant with reputable able organizations as a way to avoid unnecessarily exposing yourself to fraud," said Marks.
Stimulus checks have already started to roll out to the public. According to U.S. Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin those who don't have a direct deposit set up can expect to receive their checks in the mail by next week.