If you want to get away and unwind, grab the khakis and boat shoes. There's new summer jet service from Groton-New London airport to Nantucket.
Round trips on Charter Air Transport will start at $199. The season flights start taking off on June 4 and go through Sept. 7. The deal is offered Thursdays through Sundays.
If you head out on June 4, you'll make it just in time for Nantucket Restaurant Week. TheNantucket Film Festival starts on June 19 and goes to June 21.
The 45-minute flight will sure beat having to take a two-hour drive, then hop on a ferry to get there.
The plan is to slowly open southeastern Connecticut up to some of New England’s popular tourist areas.
”Once your name is back out there, it can lead to a lot of opportunities,” said airport manager, Catherine Young. “It makes us more visible. We hope to have many other destinations in the future or near future.”
If Nantucket is not your seen, you can get to Block Island on the Cross Sound Ferry or you can just hang here and cruise Connecticut's Thimble Islands.