A Meals On Wheels program that delivers 118,000 meals to homebound seniors every year needs help. The Community Renewal Team, or CRT, is raising money to purchase a new $70,000 truck to help deliver those meals throughout the week.
Each truck is customized with a refrigerated section and a section with gas burners to deliver cold and hot meals. The meals are made in Hartford, then trucked to several locations from Stafford to Clinton.
“I think it’s great,” said Delores Murphy, a homebound senior in Vernon. “I am very thankful.”
As the CRT’s truck fleet ages, the need for replacement grows.
The CRT is accepting donations through its website and through an upcoming event, the 16th annual Meals on Wheels Golf Classic, which will be held Tuesday, Sept. 12 at Keney Park Golf Course in Windsor.
Volunteers and seniors said they are hoping the community pulls together to donate so the Meals on Wheels program can continue operating in Connecticut.
“These people really need this help. There (are) so many of them that aren’t able to leave their homes and get food for themselves. We may be the only people that they see during the day,” said Lynn Benevides, who has been volunteering for the past 19 years.
In addition to delivering Meals on Wheels to homebound seniors, the trucks are also used to deliver meals to senior centers and children’s’ programs.