The race for U.S. Senate is in a statistical dead heat, according to a University of Connecticut/Hartford Courant Poll.
Democrat Chris Murphy is leading Republican Linda McMahon, 37 to 33 pecent. The poll has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.
"Right now, this is anyone's race," Jennifer Dineen, UConn poll director, said.
The survey was conducted September 11-September 16 among 517 likely voters.
Since one-third were undecided, pollsters deemed that neither McMahon or Murphy has gained an edge.
Both campaigns have been in a fierce fight for the open senate seat.
Recent polls showed McMahon leading Murphy.
“As with all polls, the new UConn poll is just a snapshot in time," Todd Abrajano, McMahon's communications director, said. "The fact that for the past several weeks all public polling in this historically Democratic state has shown this race to be a statistical tie is noteworthy and shows that Congressman Chris Murphy is struggling to win over an electorate that is tired of ethically challenged professional politicians.”
At an event in Hartford Wednesday morning, Chris Murphy responded to some of the negative ads that McMahon has been running against him.
"Linda McMahon's tactics are absolutely shameless," Murphy said. "From the mailers to the TV ads that have outright lies in them."
Murphy also said the UConn poll is just a snapshot in time.