The City of New London is ending all city events and sponsored outdoor activities by dusk after the first case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis was identified in Connecticut.
New London city officials said any and all city sponsored or supervised outdoor activities will end by 6:15 p.m. until further notice effective immediately.
Since that was the first case in the state this season, the city said they decided extra precautionary steps must be taken.
Any city employees associated with outdoor activities are advised against unnecessary trips into mosquito breeding grounds and marshes.
"Mosquitoes that transmit EEE virus are associated with freshwater swamps and are most active at dusk and dawn," Connecticut Department of Health officials said.
"Even though the temperatures are getting cooler, it is important to remember mosquito season is not over and residents should continue to take measures to prevent mosquito bites, including wearing protective clothing and using repellents.” state Dept. of Health officials added.
Residents are urged to avoid overnight camping or other substantial outdoor exposure in freshwater swamps in the city and in Connecticut.