Connecticut lawmakers are heading back to Hartford, where they are expected to undo some of what Gov. M. Jodi Rell did when she vetoed 19 bills.
Among those vetoes are two major health care bills and another bill that would change the state's standard wage law.
But, Democrats have just one day to do this. Because politics, whether the duty is passing or vetoing legislation, is still politics, it remains unclear just how many bills lawmakers will be able to get to. That’s because Republicans could extend the debates with long-winded discussions, or filibustering.
"We are concerned about the filibustering,'' Senate President Pro Tem Donald Williams said. "I was not pleased when the governor patted the Republicans on the back for their filibusters (during the regular session). We don't know whether they will be in obstructionist mode. I think the people of Connecticut are tired of the tactic of delay and obstruction.''
Thirteen bills will be considered and they include a tax credit for buildings that meet certain energy standards and a subcommittee on health and safety of correctional facilities.
Then, there’s the controversial bill would take away some of the governor’s power over the state budget and instead require “consensus revenue forecasting” when calculating the state budget deficit.
Democrats hold a big majority in both the state Senate and House but have overridden just two of Rell’s vetoes this year.