Pigging Out in Thompson

Wild pigs are tearing up school athletic fields.

You've heard the saying "when pigs fly," but the town of Thompson could get its own saying about pigs running through athletic fields.

Wild pigs are ruining the fields at the Thompson school complex, the school district facilities manager told school board members during a meeting on Monday night, reports the Norwich Bulletin.

Bill Birch said groundskeeper spotted a big, black pig with tusks and his female companion near Buckley Hill Road in North Grosvenordale, the Bulletin reports.

"The DEP said they couldn't possibly be wild pigs, so they sent me to the Department of Agriculture" Birch said, according to the Bulletin. "After a good laugh, I sent them our pictures, and they said we really do have a big problem."

School board members were caught laughing during Birch's presentation and Tom Angelo suggested a pig roast fundraiser once the animals are caught.

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