
Police Stop Wrong-Way Driver on I-95 in Stonington


Police stopped an 80-year-old man from driving on the wrong side of the road on Interstate 95 in Stonington Saturday night.

The man was driving southbound in the northbound lane near exit 93 around 11:30 p.m.

Police responded to the scene after receiving multiple 911 calls reporting the incident.

Officer Britten Friend located the car and noted it had one headlight out while he was posted in the area of exit 91.

Friend caught up with the driver, blocked the high speed lane with his police cruiser and stopped the wrong-way car.

The man said he was driving to Norwalk and was unaware he was driving in the wrong direction, according to police.

His driver's license was also under suspension, police said.

Police said they don't believe the man was driving impaired.

No injuries were reported.

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