Guilford residents concerned about a Federal Rail Administration proposal to double the amount of railroad track between their town and Branford will have a chance to speak up at a community meeting tonight.
"We're afraid that it could change the character of the shoreline, and not just from Branford to Guilford but really from Old Lyme all the way to Greenwich, that it could fundamentally change coastal Connecticut," said Gregory Stroud of the Connecticut Trust for Preservation.
The plan includes adding four more tracks between Branford and Guilford in an attempt to increase the amount of high-speed rail track in the northeast corridor.
Residents who spoke with NBC Connecticut said that because they haven’t been consulted by the rail authority, they don’t know what the plans could mean for everything from property values to the impact on water wells.
The community meeting to discuss the plans is Wednesday night at the Nathaneal B. Greene Community Center at 7 p.m.