The Sea Research Foundation's Mystic Aquarium is teaming up with National Geographic to launch the Crittercam to observe a snapping turtle on June 11.
The launch will take place at 11 a.m. on Monday morning at the Tributary Mill Conservancy in Old Lyme.
Crittercam is a compact video camera safely fitted to animals in their natural habitat for a brief period to provide information about habitats, hunting and foraging, behavior and more. Scientists use this information to better protect animals.
Fifth grade students from Sayles School in Baltic will work with Mystic Aquarium and TMC staff to learn more about science-related careers and conservation practices.
In addition to Crittercam, Mystic Aquarium will collect health assessment blood samples on TMC's snapping turtles. Turtles are partial to heavy metal accumulation, which threatens humans that eat them.
The aquarium hosted the "National Geographic Crittercam: The World Through Animal Eyes" traveling exhibit in 2011.
Crittercam was successfully tested on one of Mystic Aquarium's beluga whales in 2011 .