BB-Gun Fueled Fight Gets Student Bounced

An alleged “road-rage” incident has driven a Tunxis Community College student straight from school after he pulled a BB gun on another student Wednesday morning, school officials said.

The ordeal started off campus at about 8 a.m. Dean of Students Dr. Kirk Peters said. The scuffle started off campus between the two cars, each driven by students, and continued into the school parking lot, Peters said in an e-mail distributed Wednesday.

The two male students started to fight in the parking lot, then one of them brandished a BB gun, Peters said. The student never fired and left the lot to get to an 8:30 a.m. class.

Farmington police were called and the victim said the other student had a BB gun. He was not hurt.

The student removed from class remains in police custody, Peters said.

He has been banned from campus and will likely not be allowed on campus for the remainder of the term.

There were no weapons in the school buildings, Peters said.

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