Supporting Our Schools

Supporting Our Schools: Keeping Our Students and Teachers Healthy and Safe

NBC and Telemundo CT are proud to be Supporting Our Schools. This year may look a little different for a lot of students and teachers, but the need for supplies is still there.

Shreeja Joshi is a nurse who works inside S.A.N.D. Elementary School in Hartford. Joshi is using her Donors Choose project to ensure students have masks and lanyards so that students can keep up with their masks.

With your help along with the community, she'll be able to keep patients safe, protected, and healthy.

Shreeja Joshi is a nurse inside S.A.N.D. Elementary. Joshi's latest donors choose project has a goal to provide more masks and cleaning supplies for her students.

Joshi also wants to provide educational kits for her students so that they'll have fun activities to do while they're at home.

"Most of the teachers, the support staff, and even the nurses come out of their pocket to make sure students have what they need," said Joshi. "The reason why I choose donors choose is that it successfully connects the community with educators,"

Joshi said that she works with students who may come from an impoverished household but she wants to ensure that they are able able to learn in a safe and fun environment.

"We really try to ensure that our students have what they need inside and outside of the classroom and we know that COVID-19 has added another level of stress for our students and their families," said Joshi.

Gerardo Heredia is the principle of S.A.N.D. Elementary School and said that Donors Choose is a great opportunity for staff to meet the needs of students.

"It's primary, it's essential for a lot of school districts," said Heredia. "It's a part of the community and it builds up our leverage into getting resources that are out there they may not be available to our students immediately."

If you would like to support a classroom project in your town, or if you're a teacher and want to find out how to submit a project, you can click here.

If you would like to support Nurse Joshi's donors choose project, you can click here.

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