These Are The Best Places for Leaf Peeping in CT

If you like fall, this weekend is your chance to see some beautiful colors.

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Fall foliage is in full swing and if you enjoy seasonable experiences, now is the time.

Most of Connecticut will have moderate to peak fall foliage by Sunday. In the northern portion of the state, you'll see those vibrant colors in full force.

This includes areas such as Litchfield Hills, Windsor Locks, Hartford, Waterbury, Storrs, Woodstock and more.

It might take a little more time for leaf peeping in the southern portion of the state, towards the shoreline. The more inward you drive, the more of a chance you'll have to see those colorful leaves.

Photos: Take a Look at CT's Gorgeous Fall Foliage

On average, the closer you live to Long Island Sound, the later the average timeframe for peak leaf peeping.

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) estimates that by Sunday, a large portion of the state will move to the "peak" fall foliage category.

The darker the color, the higher the likelihood of seeing vibrant fall colors.

Rainfall is only one factor that comes into play when talking about influences on the changing foliage colors. Cooler temperatures and shortening days must also be considered.

If you'd like some ideas for where you can take a scenic drive, visit DEEP's website. There, you can also find a list of scenic views and hiking locations.

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