
Tripped Breaker at Data Center Impacting Internet, Email on State Network

connecticut state capitol
NBC Connecticut

An issue is affecting Internet, email and more on the state network and a team is working to address it.

A message on the state Department of Administrative Services website said that a tripped electrical breaker at one of the state’s data centers Tuesday morning caused an unexpected widespread, on-going outage.

It goes on to say that anyone who is operating on the state network has been impacted by slow or impaired connection.

A team is working to diagnose and address the issue, and the estimated recovery window is between now and 3 p.m., according to the state Department of Administrative Services.

The Connecticut General Assembly website also said the Internet provider for several state branches and agencies is experiencing a widespread network problem that caused disruptions of Internet, email and other operations at the General Assembly, including committee meetings and public hearings.

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