Ahead of a year-ender special session, Governor Ned Lamont’s transportation plan was not up for vote, but took center stage while flanked by the largest group of pro-tolls supporters yet.
“It means to me that they understand how important it is that we fix our transportation system without raiding the rainy day fund,” Lamont said.
The governor’s trucks-only toll at 12 bridges across the state plan will now head into the New Year. The overall plan proposes $19.4 billion in investment infrastructure, estimated to bring in around $197 million in revenue a year.
“Let the governor know that we’re not in favor of tolls at all in any way, shape or form,” J.R. Heyel, with No Tolls CT said.
Republicans remain opposed to tolling any vehicles and proposed a no-tolls alternative that relies on financially stabilizing the state’s transportation fund by using $1.5 billion from Connecticut’s budget reserves.
“You want to fight over transportation you want to fight over tolls as a legitimate fight than that’s a fight we should all have because that’s a real serious issue in the state of Connecticut,” House Minority Leader Themis Klarides said.
Lamont said the plan should carry through the New Year.
“I presented a plan to the legislature and they spoke to me quite firmly that they thought the truck’s only plan gave us enough money to save the special transportation fund, keep our roads and bridges in the state of good repair and speed up our rail service,” Lamont said.