New Foundation for Vernon Condo After Concrete Crumbles

After more than a month of being hoisted seven feet up in the air, a set of eight attached condos in Vernon is almost back at ground level after work to address the crumbling foundation problem.

After more than a month of being hoisted seven feet up in the air, a set of eight attached condos in Vernon is almost back at ground level after work to address the crumbling foundation problem. 

The project was undertaken as condo owners grappled with the crumbling concrete crisis in north central and eastern Connecticut. 

The painstaking process included hammering out all the old concrete and pouring the new basement. 

The Lakeview Condo Association spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to lift the 221-foot, 336-ton building. 

This is one of the largest projects of its type that general contractor Don Childree is undertaking. 

He said that after people get over the amazement of seeing the engineering marvel, they don’t understand how or why all the concrete basements are failing. 

The problem has been traced to a naturally occurring mineral in concrete poured in this area of Connecticut from 1983 through as recently as 2013. 

The state says 570 homeowners have filed complaints and say they have this problem. Most insurance companies are not covering this, and so far, help from local, state, and federal government sources is all but a trickle. 

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