Flu Prompts VA Visitor Restrictions

Flu cases are widespread through most of the United States, and three people have died from the illness in Connecticut.

In response, several local hospitals are altering their visitation policies to prevent even further spread of the virus.
Effective on Monday, the VA Connecticut Healthcare System is temporarily amending its visitation policy for all VA Connecticut sites, including the main campuses and the community clinics.

No one under 18 will be allowed into a VA facility, except for children not exhibiting flu-like symptoms visiting a family member living at the Community Living Center.

No visitors with a cough, fever, sore throat, body aches or other flu-like symptoms should visit the healthcare system.

Additional steps put in place include the following

Hand sanitizer is available at the main entrances and throughout the facility. All visitors should sanitize their hands when entering and leaving the facility.

Visitors who exhibit or develop flu-like symptoms while at the healthcare system will be provided a surgical mask, asked to disinfect their hands and to leave the facility to prevent exposing other patients and staff.

If you have not received the flu vaccine, you can find a location on the HealthMap Vaccine finder.

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