Fried Plantains with Roast Pork and Mango Salsa

Fried Plantains with Roast Pork  and Mango Salsa
Makes 12 Bite Sized Hors D’ Oeuvres

1 Cup Mango -peeled and ¼” diced
1 tsp. Hot Chile Pepper-habanero, scotch bonnet, jalapeno, serrano, etc.
2 Tbsp. Red Onion-small diced
1 Tbsp. Fresh Cilantro-chopped
2 Tbsp. Fresh Lime Juice
1  Plantain, peeled and sliced into ½” thick slices
1 Pork Tenderloin-marinated if desired, cooked until 145º F., sliced
½ Cup Sour Cream
To Taste Salt and Black Pepper or Adobo

· Prepare the salsa by combining the mango, hot pepper, red onion, cilantro and lime juice. Season to taste lightly with salt.

· Heat deep fryer to 350°f. Add plantains only a few at a time, splashing away from you, and cook until slightly softened and a light golden brown. Drain on paper towels, let cool slightly, and flatten with a plate until about a quarter inch thick. Fry a second time until a medium golden. Drain on paper towels, season with salt and pepper or  Adobo. Top with a slice of pork ,a spoonful of the salsa, and a garnish of the sour cream.

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