Sledding Hills in Greater Hartford

I grew up in Vermont and, as kids, we took our winter storms seriously. I remember getting up at 5:00am on potential snow days, waiting by the radio, pleading with the announcer to please say my school’s name. Because I lived “in the city,” it didn’t happen all that often. We seemed to have snow removal down to a science. But on the rare occassion that the Snow Gods did defeat Rutland’s Public Works Department, it called for celebration. Namely heading over to the Rutland Country Club for an afternoon of sledding, followed up by hot chocolate at Sewards Family Restaurant.

Snow days and sledding with friends provided the backdrop for some of my best days as a kid. And with the first impending storm of the winter season looming upon us in Greater Hartford, I thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of area sledding hills that people typically visit in the area.

Usually you’re compelled to go somewhere in your neighborhood, if at all possible, because who really wants to be driving far just after the storm breaks? Here are some great locations not too far from where I live where people tend to hit the sledding slopes…

Elizabeth Park, Hartford- lower loop
Bushnell Park, Hartford- in front of the State Capitol building
Buena Vista Golf Course, West Hartford- near the 6th hole

Where do you find yourself going for good sledding in the area? Please feel free to share your favorite sledding hills. Happy snow angeling and snowman building!


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