Seeing Red Over a Big Pink Fence

They say good fences make good neighbors, but that might not be the case when the fence is bright pink.

Steven Zaleta, of Roxbury, told the Waterbury Republican-American that he's furious about a 6-foot tall pink fence his neighbor put up just after Thanksgiving.

Zaleta had been complaining to the town's zoning commission for months about alleged commerical activity at the Baker Road home of his neighbor Paul Szymanski Sr. and tells the paper he believes Szymanski erected the fence to spite him.

"Looking at the fence, he's adding insult to injury," Zaleta told the Republican-American.

But it seems Zaleta has a problem. Roxbury's zoning enforcement officer says the town has no regulations restricting the color of a fence, the paper reports.

Szymanski told the newspaper he parks a dump truck and a couple of excavators on his property and he and his son have fired back at Zaleta, asking the zoning commission to investigate more than 160 alleged home businesses in town, including one Zaleta owns, according to the paper.

Zaleta tells the paper the he filed a complaint and expects the town to do something.

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