Shrimp Marinated with Roasted Tomato & Habanero Chile

Serves 4

2 cups boiled baby shrimp chilled
1 cup small diced mango
½ cup small diced jicama
1 bunch chopped cilantro
¼ cup minced red onion
3 ea. Roasted vine ripe tomatoes
2 cloves roasted garlic
½ ea. Roasted hobenero chile
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
4 ea. Avocado slices to garnish
4 cups corn tortilla chips

To assemble the dish:
In a mixing bowl combine the cooked shrimp, diced mango, jicama, onions, cilantro and red onion.
Mix till all ingredients are combined.
In a blender puree the tomatoes with the garlic and chile till smooth
Add to shrimp mixture, mixing well.
Season with salt to taste, add olive oil and let sit refrigerated for ½ hour before serving.
Place in serving bowl, garnish with avocado slices and serve with chips.

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