State Dems Push to Save Tech Schools

Two technical schools in Connecticut are caught in the state budget battle and students, residents, and lawmakers are speaking out. 

Gov. M. Jodi Rell proposed closing Bristol Technical High School and Wright Technical High School in Stamford to ease the budget crunch. Several Democrats, led by House Speaker Chris Donovan (D-Meriden), gathered at each school Tuesday speaking out against the idea.
"What we need to do is figure out ways we can cut the fat in government but not cut the muscle, and this technical school is muscle," said Donovan, while standing outside Bristol Tech.
Brian Rossier, 15, is among the students who have been accepted into Bristol Technical High School for next year. "I was heartbroken a couple of weeks ago when they said it was going to close," said Rossier. "I don't know what I'm going to do. This is the only good technical school around, in my opinion the number one technical school in Connecticut."
The State Board of Education Technical High School Committee held its monthly meeting at Bristol Tech Tuesday morning. Community leaders, residents, and students encouraged board members to do what they can to keep the school open.
"If this school closes we would lose a lot of opportunities for kids that are like me and struggled in normal high school but really succeeded here," said Josh Martin, a current student at Bristol Tech.
As students wait and wonder about their future education, budget talks in Hartford continue. Democrats say they will bring a budget to vote by June 30, which is the end of the state's fiscal year.
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