Greater Need for Gobble, Gobble

Generous People Turkey Tuesday Brings Generous Souls to Downtown Hartford

The annual event in central Connecticut "Turkey Tuesday" is back. 

Every year, nine days before Thanksgiving, Foodshare holds its annual appeal for donations for needy families.

Turkey Tuesday is part of Foodshare's "Turkey and a 20" campaign. The goal is to gather enough turkeys and fixings to meet the need across greater Hartford and to raise enough cash to support Foodshare year round.

The unofficial headquarters is the Bank of America building in downtown Hartford.

This time last year, about one out of every 10 people in greater Hartford were in need of food assistance. This year, food pantries and soup kitchens are running low again. This year, the need is particularly great.

In all, the agency is looking to receive 16,000 turkeys.

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