This Is the No. 1 Skill You Need to Work in Crypto, According to Gemini Exchange's Talent Director


This Is the No. 1 Skill You Need to Work in Crypto, According to Gemini Exchange’s Talent Director

In the hundreds of resumes and cover letters Jonathan Tamblyn scans to fill jobs at Gemini, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, one skill always catches his eye — and will almost always guarantee that candidate an interview. 

"We're looking for builders," Tamblyn, the firm's director of talent acquisition tells CNBC Make It. "It's really vital that people can prove through their resume or prior experience that they're able to create new products or initiatives and bring them to life." 

"Especially in a nascent, exciting market that is rapidly expanding across so many different dimensions simultaneously, like crypto, that entrepreneurial spark is really important." 

The cryptocurrency job market has surged alongside investments in the digital asset, which has started to capture the attention of larger companies including Amazon and Apple as well as lawmakers who are debating how to tax cryptocurrencies.

To set themselves apart, Tamblyn recommends applicants to both technical and non-technical roles at cryptocurrency firms emphasize their ability to build solutions through a method he calls "design thinking," which consists of "identifying a problem, understanding it, proposing a solution, then finally solving the problem," he explains. "What resonates more is the process of building the solution, rather than the final product." 

Prospective engineers and product managers, for example, might describe on their resume or during an interview how they built a retail user interface in their previous job, while candidates for marketing or communications roles could highlight how they launched a brand through creative campaigns, Tamblyn says. 

The recent hiring trends among Fortune 500 companies seeking out experts in cryptocurrency has encouraged more job seekers to recognize cryptocurrency as a viable career path, Tamblyn points out. "It's a massive endorsement about the validity and longevity of cryptocurrency," he says. "Years ago, we saw some trepidation among candidates about making the leap into cryptocurrency, but now, way more candidates see working in the crypto space as a vital career builder and are confident in its future." 

Cryptocurrency isn't limited to applicants with engineering expertise or extensive knowledge of Bitcoin, either — one of the industry's biggest strengths, Tamblyn adds, is its accessibility. "I've been a recruiter for about 15 years, across a number of different industries, and I've never worked in one that offers as many free learning opportunities and outlets to join conversations [about the latest trends and technologies] as crypto," he says. "So many leaders in crypto are on Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms sharing their insight, and there are a lot of online communities."

Discord, Reddit and Medium all offer free discussions, blogs and resources about cryptocurrency for those interested in learning more about it. The top piece of advice Tamblyn offers job seekers ready to dive into the world of cryptocurrency is to check these forums out and connect with others working in the space. "Don't be shy!" he says. "Join the conversation, ask questions, and contribute the best you can." 

Check out: The interview question that makes a job seeker stand out, according to LinkedIn's VP of global hiring

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